RyanFullstack Developer
As a geophysicist turned fullstack developer with 4 years of experience. My expertise in ReactJS, Node.js, and PostgreSQL, combined with my background in geophysics where I honed my skills in data analysis and problem-solving, allows me to build intuitive and engaging web applications. I am proactive and driven, with excellent communication and collaboration skills. My passion for continuous learning and innovation ensures that I am always improving in my role.
Personal projects
UI Experiments
A collection of UI experiments built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Framer Motion.
NextJsTailwindFramer MotionPlaystore Promo API
A RESTful API built with Node.js and Express to serve data for Playstore discounts.
NodeJsExpressPostgreSQLFuel Price Chart
A simple web app to visualize fuel price data in Jakarta, Indonesia using Chart.js.